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时间:2015/5/19 21:37:26 作者:平凡之路 来源:xuhantao.com 浏览:


fract16 saturating_fract_divide(fract16 nom, fract16 denom)
 int partialres = (int)nom;
 int divisor = (int)denom;
 fract16 rtn;
 int i;
 int aq;   /* initial value irrelevant */

 if (partialres == 0) {
  /* 0/anything gives 0 */
  rtn = 0;
 } else if (partialres >= divisor) {
          /* fract16 values have the range -1.0 <= x < +1.0,  */
         /* so our result cannot be as high as 1.0.  */
         /* Therefore, for x/y, if x is larger than y, */
         /* saturate the result to positive maximum.   */
         rtn = 0x7fff;
 } else {
  /* nom is a 16-bit fractional value, so move */
  /* the 16 bits to the top of partialres. */
  /* (promote fract16 to fract32) */
  partialres <<= 16;

  /* initialize sign bit and AQ, via divs(). */
  partialres = divs(partialres, divisor, &aq);

  /* Update each of the value bits of the partial result */
  /* and reset AQ via divq().  */
  for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
   partialres = divq(partialres, divisor, &aq);

  rtn = (fract16) partialres;

 return rtn;



但是很显然,例子中给出的这个函数并没有考虑到符号位,比如计算0.2 / -0.4这样的式子时它将直接返回1,因而我们需要对它进行适当的修改。

fract16 saturating_fract_divide(fract16 nom, fract16 denom)
 int partialres;
 int divisor;
 fract16 rtn;
 int i;
 int aq;   /* initial value irrelevant */
 int sign = (nom ^ denom) & 0x8000;
 partialres = abs_fr1x16(nom);
 divisor = abs_fr1x16(denom);

 if (partialres == 0) {
  /* 0/anything gives 0 */
  rtn = 0;
 } else if (partialres >= divisor) {
    /* fract16 values have the range -1.0 <= x < +1.0,  */
    /* so our result cannot be as high as 1.0.  */
    /* Therefore, for x/y, if x is larger than y, */
    /* saturate the result to positive maximum.   */
    rtn = 0x7fff;
 } else {
     /* nom is a 16-bit fractional value, so move */
     /* the 16 bits to the top of partialres.     */
     /* (promote fract16 to fract32) */
     partialres <<= 16;

     /* initialize sign bit and AQ, via divs(). */
     partialres = divs(partialres, divisor, &aq);

     /* Update each of the value bits of the partial result */
     /* and reset AQ via divq().  */
     for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
      partialres = divq(partialres, divisor, &aq);

     rtn = (fract16) (partialres);
      rtn = negate_fr1x16(rtn);

 return rtn;



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